Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cinderella Man Essay

Cinderella Man Essay 

           Fairy tales are meaningful stories that are meant to give hope and give people joy. In most peoples life's they have heard the saying, "This is real life it isn't a fairy tale". However I think that this statement is incorrect. Knowing the different between imaginary and reality is an important thing that needs to be learned before growing up however they are different not opposites. There is an obvious reason children are much more happier than adults, they have the imagination bug. There minds are filled with anything and everything that they can think up, and as you get older your mind starts to get filled with much more logistical things. The movie, Cinderella Man, shows the amazing rise of underdog boxer Jimmy Braddock. Jimmy brings hope and joy to peoples life's who haven't seen hope and joy for a long time. Like the name suggests the story of Jimmy Braddock is more of a fairly tale but not in the ways you would think. Cinderella Man did an incredible job at telling an emotional and inspirational fairy tale as well as exposing audiences to facts about the Great Depression experienced by the average american.

          The beginning the movie does a great job at showing life before the stock market crash, from the happiness painted on everyones faces, to the clothes, and even the hairstyles. The 1920s were filled with dancing and music, this opening seen helped to enhance this. When Jimmy comes home to his beautiful wife with the done up hair and intricate dress on, the view begins to see how well off the Braddock's are without ever having to say anything. It then forwards to harder times, showing the belongings sold and the movement of homes. Without a word the viewer can see the emotion change in an instant, creating the same feelings that most felt when the stock market actually crashed. The hardship that was enhanced through color and background choice allowed for the entire picture to be set as to what the Great Depression actually looked like, which in fact was very historically accurate. The small living quarters, the dirtiness of the streets, and even the Hoovervilles that were shown. If these things were left out of the movie there would not have been enough realism in the movie.

          In the middle of the movie the audience sees Jim struggling to get money or even jobs. The scene where Jim goes to the docks and has to beg to get chosen to work was completely accurate, everyone needed jobs in that time people and there were simply not enough to go around. Also the scene where Jim goes to the relief line to get money to help pay the bills and get his children back were accurate as well. The United States were in shambles and the only thing they knew they could do was give out pensions so they did. Without this money many people would have not been able to live, it is also true that Jimmy Braddock gave back money to the relief line once he could. This was not mandatory however he felt that they had helped him and now he could help someone else. Jimmy was not only giving people hope but also giving people a better life.

         Jimmy Braddock was an underdog that people could see themselves in. He wasn't a heroic figure but more of a average citizen advancing in the hardships of the Great Depression. This was exactly what people needed to see, they needed to see that people were dealing with whatever life threw at them. It may not be the punches that Jimmy was dodging but they hurt just as much. The main character in a fairly tale is normally seemed as a princess or a damsel in distress and in a very weird way that is why Jimmy was. By no means was he a princess however he was in distress and unlike most fairy tales he himself found a way out of it. This emotional and inspirational fairy tail that is being told only enhances the exposer to the facts about the Great Depression to the audience. Without the intense bond with the main character the emotionality could never be at the level that it was. The tugs on the heart strings would not be as intense and the water stinging the back of the eyes and the end would cease to exist. The fairy tale not only enhances the facts but also adds context to them. Facts can be read anywhere and can be understood after reading them. However context is what allows to brain to fully comprehend what was just learned. A moment, picture, scene that the mind can put with that true fact allows a much better chance of the memory of that fact.

          Cinderella Man is a compelling story that depicts a boxer in his prime that was taken down by the Great Depression and brought back up by willpower and intensity. The historical accuracy throughout allows for the truthfulness of the Great Depression to shine through the emotional tyrant that makes up the movie. I believe that emotion and reality go side by side and that you cannot have reality without emotion and a little bit of imagination. Fairy tales do not equal made up they equal hope. Hope must be had to maintain life, without hope all is lost.

Wikipedia of J Braddock 
YouTube Video of Original Fight
Rotton Tomatos

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