Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking About Success

Thinking about Success
Hard work 

Ingredients of Success: 
1. Hard work 
3. Skill 
4. Luck 

I personally think that hard work is the number one factor to success because their is no way that you can achieve something without working for it. The harder you work the more successful you will be. I chose opportunity as the second most important factor in being successful because with great opportunities comes great things. Without opportunities nothing can be done. Opportunities can make or break a career. I ranked skill as third because skill is important but it is not everything. Hard work can make up for skill. If you aren't great at something but you work at it then it will eventually become easier for you and become almost natural instinct. Luck is the last in the ranking because it is something that can not be relied on. If you base your entire life on luck, your life is a gamble. Hard work and dedication to something is much more promising than hoping that luck will be their to catch you if you fall. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Consumer Summary

While ready both articles on the growing consumer retailing I have learned that their are multiple ways to sell relatively the same thing. In the Business Week article about the chain store Zara I learned that they use the idea of fast fashion. Zara uses fast fashion and predicting what their customers want to make their brand successful. In the Forbes article I learned about how H&M heavily relies on guessing what the up and coming trends will be to allow their brand to succeed. H&M doesn't stock their stores as much as Zara and many would argue that this is why H&M is not the number one store and Zara is. Zara has new clothing items to display every week which keeps their customers interested and makes them continue to come back for more. They are one of few stores that use this method of retail because of the intensity that it requires to run smoothy. However it is shown to be an affective method for those who are willing to put the time into it.
Reading these two articles has shown me that their is much more of a science behind retail than I had ever known. The amount of different ways to buy and consume is quite amazing to think about. Shopping seems like such a simple thing when in reality it is very unique and tedious task that takes a lot of hard work to succeed.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Immigration Letter

Dear Mom,
Its been seven months since Sarah and I came here to America. The least I can say is that its been
interesting. Its not how I thought it would be, yet it is better then we had. I thought that coming to
America would give me a chance to get my professional career going, however that is completely untrue. The only jobs I can seem to find are factory jobs, no one takes me seriously as a profession.

I thought the americans were going to be welcoming, don't get me wrong some are but most don't even make eye contact with us. Its like their on a completely different level than us just because of where we are born. The place that we live is rough, its small with no windows or heating. I feel like I'm letting Sarah down which is the last thing I want to do to her and to you. You let your only two daughters come to America for a new start and its not what we thought it was going to be at all. Even with all the bad there is still good that is coming out of this. Life here, though it may be rough now is growing into a life that was much needed.

Sarah and I are beginning to learn and adapt to the culture here, while staying true to what we learned from home. Learning the language was hard at first. But now that I have to speak english at work and Sarah has to learn it at school, it is becoming much easier. Factory life is hard but I have to work my way up to the jobs that I desire. Nothings going to come easy here. We will have to work hard but eventually we will be better than ever. This move was definitely worth it, please think about coming. We miss you and don't want to live separated anymore.

We love you.