Monday, November 17, 2014

Immigration Letter

Dear Mom,
Its been seven months since Sarah and I came here to America. The least I can say is that its been
interesting. Its not how I thought it would be, yet it is better then we had. I thought that coming to
America would give me a chance to get my professional career going, however that is completely untrue. The only jobs I can seem to find are factory jobs, no one takes me seriously as a profession.

I thought the americans were going to be welcoming, don't get me wrong some are but most don't even make eye contact with us. Its like their on a completely different level than us just because of where we are born. The place that we live is rough, its small with no windows or heating. I feel like I'm letting Sarah down which is the last thing I want to do to her and to you. You let your only two daughters come to America for a new start and its not what we thought it was going to be at all. Even with all the bad there is still good that is coming out of this. Life here, though it may be rough now is growing into a life that was much needed.

Sarah and I are beginning to learn and adapt to the culture here, while staying true to what we learned from home. Learning the language was hard at first. But now that I have to speak english at work and Sarah has to learn it at school, it is becoming much easier. Factory life is hard but I have to work my way up to the jobs that I desire. Nothings going to come easy here. We will have to work hard but eventually we will be better than ever. This move was definitely worth it, please think about coming. We miss you and don't want to live separated anymore.

We love you.

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