Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking About Success

Thinking about Success
Hard work 

Ingredients of Success: 
1. Hard work 
3. Skill 
4. Luck 

I personally think that hard work is the number one factor to success because their is no way that you can achieve something without working for it. The harder you work the more successful you will be. I chose opportunity as the second most important factor in being successful because with great opportunities comes great things. Without opportunities nothing can be done. Opportunities can make or break a career. I ranked skill as third because skill is important but it is not everything. Hard work can make up for skill. If you aren't great at something but you work at it then it will eventually become easier for you and become almost natural instinct. Luck is the last in the ranking because it is something that can not be relied on. If you base your entire life on luck, your life is a gamble. Hard work and dedication to something is much more promising than hoping that luck will be their to catch you if you fall. 

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